Preparando los detalles de Navidad. Taller de regalos artesanales y útiles reutilizando materiales de casa

Preparing the Christmas details. Handmade and useful gifts workshop reusing household materials


In this workshop you will learn, step by step, how to give a second life to old and new but waste objects that are in our day to day, turning them into different practical, stylish and easy-to-manufacture objects.

In this way we influence the life cycle of the object, making it more sustainable over time, being in force for as long as possible, thus reducing its waste.

With this course you will develop attitudes and values ​​of respect for the environment; You will use your creativity, manual skills and artistic expression; You will learn that waste can still be useful by reusing, repairing, reducing, renewing or recovering it.

We will make: Portable picnic cutlery, napkin rings, mitts, pompoms, necklaces and cloth bags.

Includes: Documentation, materials and work tools. Each student will be able to take their creations with them.

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