La Marihuela began its career as an independent laboratory in 2020, a year that was especially difficult for the self-employed, SMEs and new entrepreneurs.
In these difficult times, the Castilla La Mancha Ministry of Economy, Business and Employment launched the Adelante Inversión program, which has been key to the La Marihuela project. This program has encouraged investment and improved productivity in SMEs and micro-enterprises, regardless of their legal form (individuals, public limited companies, limited companies, cooperative societies, labor companies, civil societies, community property, etc. ), and in a special way, to those who carry out their activity in the sectors considered a priority by the Smart Specialization Strategy (RIS3) : traditional, tourism, aeronautics, environment and bioeconomy.
In addition, these grants are co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (Feder) , in accordance with the provisions of the 2014-2020 Feder Castilla-La Mancha Regional Operational Program .
Thanks to this program, La Marihuela has been able to develop the project that it originally planned, also developing improvements in its production processes that differentiate it today in the new small-scale manufacturing cosmetics, hygiene and natural care market, which is flourishing. in Spain and in Europe.

All this without forgetting our mission: "Help take care of yourself with natural, fresh and local products that respect the environment and favor small producers ". This is the engine that moves us and with which we will continue to invest in you and in our environment.