More about this book:
This book is the first in the collection. What if I ask you to tell me? of Veleta Roja, a collection that has its origin in one of their stage shows. The different volumes that make it up are presented in album-book format with high-resolution audiovisual content (accessible through QR codes) and will be published throughout 2022.
Each volume will have its own nature and identity, the first being “Canturía: Arrullos y poemas”, with texts by Aldo Méndez (Cuba), illustrations by Lucía Sarabia (Mexico) and music by Carlos Cano (Cuba) and Hernán Milla (Spain).
Each book will contain treasures from one side of the ocean and the other, created under the spark of ingenuity of different plastic artists.
Veleta Roja
Veleta Roja is a collective of artists and educators based in Ciudad Real. Since 2011 they have developed a continuous scenic, recording and editorial activity, with special attention to families and children.
Their publications have obtained international recognition such as two Latin Grammy® nominations ("Canciones y Palabras Vol.1" and "Sonidos que cuenta" as best Music Album for Children) in 2016 and 2020, the Gold medal at the Global Music Awards, the Independent Music Award, the Akademia Award, the Melómano de Oro ("Por la Rivera de Paquito) and the Crescendo-RNE Award for Best Children's Album (Where light is born). In addition, Veleta Roja received in 2020 the Award Communication of the Cadena SER.